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Drnom is committed to the research, development and sales of natural animal and plant health formulas.
Through a new generation of extraction and purification technology, natural ingredients from nature are used to prepare a variety of dietary nutritional supplements.
Its R&D team carries out high-standard management of product quality, and the natural medicinal ingredients it produces undergo quality inspection by engineers. Through the scientific application of various precision equipment such as gas liquid chromatographs and fluorometers, we ensure the purity of ingredients and provide safe and healthy products to every consumer.
Business introduction
Drnom brand is mainly engaged in the research, development and sales of vitamins and medicinal plant extracts. It is good at the development of high-quality fish oil and is committed to the purification and comprehensive application of a variety of precious plant ingredients.

Brand History
In 1989, William Morris started his business in Cambridge, England, and established a clinic there.
In 1997, a plant-based supplement production company named Nom was established.
In 2022, his family established the Drnom medicinal plant supplement brand.

Brand mission
Selection of refined natural formulas to create truly effective products
Brand vision
Become the leading brand of natural animal and plant medicinal formulas in Europe
Brand Concept
Drnom health assistance, focusing on consumers' health and providing personalized nutritional needs;
brand address
69 Aberdeen Avenue, Cambridge, England, CB2-8DL